Siddhi Shakti Kirtan, Sacred Music, Sound Healing

The use of sound, particularly sacred and energised sound, filled with love, intent and a high vibration, can help us effect deep change, healing and transformation. On a physical level it can support stress reduction. Spiritually, it helps us expand our hearts, lift our spirit, connect with others, and align our resonance and frequency to more positive attributes, bringing greater alignment between mind, body and spirit.

The yoga of sound: Nāda and bhakti yoga

Be guided in the formation of specific vocal toning sounds that have a number of health and wellness benefits. Through these sounds we can access deeper states of meditation, connect to the power of our authentic resonance and the greater field that connects all life.

The benefits

  • Destress – shift from the sympathetic into the parasympathetic nervous system
  • Stimulate the release of nitric oxide – promoting blood flow, supporting the lymphatic system, reduced blood pressure and heart rate, and enhancing the immune system
  • Induce calm, enhance sleep
  • Still your mind with mantra meditation and meditative voice exercises
  • Utilise breathing techniques and simple body movements to support relaxation
  • Connect with your authentic and unique sound resonance and vibration
  • Lift your resting state of feeling through the use of high vibration sound frequencies
  • Align more fully with all parts of your being – body, mind and spirit
  • Cultivate listening awareness
  • Express your creative essence and feel the empowerment that comes from expressing your unique sound
  • Experience vocal practices to enhance fluidity, clarity and resonance in your sound
  • Share connection, community and bonding
  • Go beyond barriers of race, gender or age
  • Connect with the greater field that connects all of life

Chant experiences – kīrtan

Another powerful means of transforming and healing with sound and sacred music is through kīrtan, or call-and-response chanting. Group chant experiences are not only joyful and community connecting, but extremely powerful as a deep means of chanting our inner resonance and lifting our energy and vibration. These sessions are working amazingly well online in the current climate of social distancing.

A professional tailored experience for you

I customise sound and energy wellness sessions suit your requirements, time frame and audience. It’s an amazing way to build connection and community, and facilitate deep transformation, and works well for:

  • Conferences, workshops, seminars, functions
  • Team building, leadership days, retreats
  • Wellness, stress reduction, mentoring programs
  • Yoga studios, community events, festivals
  • Private or group sessions

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