
Siddhi Shakti meditation classes

Imagine what you could achieve if you were operating from a place of deep inner calmness, clarity and vibrant energy.

How can you offer your best if you’re strung out and an emotional wreck?

Now significantly mainstream, managing one’s mental wellbeing through meditation is an increasingly adopted practice. There are some links at the bottom of this post to other interesting mainstream articles. Essentially they cite benefits of adopting meditation in the workplace: reduced sick leave, enhanced creativity, greater emotional intelligence and capacity to communicate with colleagues, stress reduction, improved productivity, increased happiness and work satisfaction, and more…

The unique style of meditation I facilitate is a unique blend of relaxation and stress relief techniques, combined with energy clearing, breath work and cognitive refocussing.

Think of it as an energetic spring clean to lift your energy and vibration. A short guided session can help you chill out, calm down and slow down, so that you can actually power up in the things that matter, connect to your innate clarity and direct your energy where it matters most.

Learn simple skills to better manage your energy, time pressures and challenges. Connect with greater peace, productivity and personal power.

Online Or In Person, Groups or 1-1

The ‘flavour’ of each session is generally informed by you and/or the group energy. It is tailored to your current circumstances and what is going on in your life or workplace. Please get in touch to discuss customising a session for you.

Business MeditationMindful at Work, Business Meditation Siddhi Shakti

In-house (Zoom or in-person) guided meditation for your workplace team.

  • Support the wellbeing of your most valuable assets – your people.
  • Experience techniques to enhance clarity, productivity and personal connection.
  • Build resilience. Alleviate stress. Access creative and inspirational states of awareness.
  • Cultivate positive mental mindset, and responsiveness rather than reaction.
  • Enhance the quality of your interactions operating from a stronger, clearer internal compass.

Spirited in BusinessDiane de Zylva Siddhi Shakti Soul Light Postive Power Up

Power Up. Reboot, Reset, Re-energise.

  • Build team connection, trust and cohesiveness with an interactive playshop with a difference.
  • Enhance resilience, creativity and inspired leadership.
  • Experience simple skills to better manage your personal and team energy, time pressures and challenges.
  • Connect with greater inner calm, productivity, authenticity and personal empowerment.
  • These guided interactive sessions can shift blockages to team trust, connection, effective collaboration and flow.

Previous Clients And Corporate Highlights

  • Superhuman Healing Online Summit
  • Facilitating a Higher Power Leaders Masterclass for senior business executives, Human Power
  • Strategy day meditation, Being More Human
  • Corporate meditation, energy healing and transformation sessions for Kerwin Rae’s team in their Sydney office with Shakti Durga.

Benefits of Workplace Meditation

Here are links to some articles about companies implementing meditation in the workplace:

Harvard Business Review | How Meditation Benefits CEOs

Monash University | The Health Benefits of Meditation & Being Mindful

Arianna Huffington, Linked In | Mindfulness, Meditation, Wellness & Their Connection to Corporate America’s Bottom Line

Henry Stewart, Linked In | Five Big Companies Who Swear By Mindfulness

Chopra Centre | How & Why big Businesses Are Promoting Meditation

Chopra Centre | 5 Ways Meditation Can Benefit Businesses

Huff Post | How Meditation Benefits the Working Brain

The Entrepreneur | Why Meditation Works and How It Benefits the Workplace

Marino Wellness | 9 Incredible Benefits of an Office Meditation Program

Siddhi Shakti Kirtan, Sacred Music, Sound Healing

The use of sound, particularly sacred and energised sound, filled with love, intent and a high vibration, can help us effect deep change, healing and transformation. On a physical level it can support stress reduction. Spiritually, it helps us expand our hearts, lift our spirit, connect with others, and align our resonance and frequency to more positive attributes, bringing greater alignment between mind, body and spirit.

The yoga of sound: Nāda and bhakti yoga

Be guided in the formation of specific vocal toning sounds that have a number of health and wellness benefits. Through these sounds we can access deeper states of meditation, connect to the power of our authentic resonance and the greater field that connects all life.

The benefits

  • Destress – shift from the sympathetic into the parasympathetic nervous system
  • Stimulate the release of nitric oxide – promoting blood flow, supporting the lymphatic system, reduced blood pressure and heart rate, and enhancing the immune system
  • Induce calm, enhance sleep
  • Still your mind with mantra meditation and meditative voice exercises
  • Utilise breathing techniques and simple body movements to support relaxation
  • Connect with your authentic and unique sound resonance and vibration
  • Lift your resting state of feeling through the use of high vibration sound frequencies
  • Align more fully with all parts of your being – body, mind and spirit
  • Cultivate listening awareness
  • Express your creative essence and feel the empowerment that comes from expressing your unique sound
  • Experience vocal practices to enhance fluidity, clarity and resonance in your sound
  • Share connection, community and bonding
  • Go beyond barriers of race, gender or age
  • Connect with the greater field that connects all of life

Chant experiences – kīrtan

Another powerful means of transforming and healing with sound and sacred music is through kīrtan, or call-and-response chanting. Group chant experiences are not only joyful and community connecting, but extremely powerful as a deep means of chanting our inner resonance and lifting our energy and vibration. These sessions are working amazingly well online in the current climate of social distancing.

A professional tailored experience for you

I customise sound and energy wellness sessions suit your requirements, time frame and audience. It’s an amazing way to build connection and community, and facilitate deep transformation, and works well for:

  • Conferences, workshops, seminars, functions
  • Team building, leadership days, retreats
  • Wellness, stress reduction, mentoring programs
  • Yoga studios, community events, festivals
  • Private or group sessions

Contact me

Find out more.


What Difference Can I Make, Siddhi Shakti

I’ve wondered this at different moments in life. Most recently feeling helpless watching the devastating toll of the bushfire season in Australia, the massive loss of human, animal and plant life, and the depressingly inadequate responses from our political leaders to address or even acknowledge the root causes of the unfolding disaster.

It’s easy to plug into the collective anger, disbelief and despair, and to feel powerless. But how totally amazing and inspiring to see the leadership, inspiration and activism from the new generation – the likes of Greta Thunberg that have given voice to the mood of millions and mobilised communities globally to take to the streets.

Its reminded me that in every moment, I have a choice. My choice matters, and if all of us collectively exercised this power, we could affect great change. We vote with our dollars, with what we choose to consume. Every time I forget my reusable coffee cup and opt for the disposable cup – I’m choosing convenience and actively ignoring the environmental cost of my choice. Pretend though we might, because we’re busy, or focussed on what we’ve collectively been told is most import – jobs, productivity, the economy – if we’re honest, in our heart of hearts, we know too much now about what’s really at stake.

So, in my own small ways, I’m choosing positively. Less packaging, less single use plastic, less driving where I can. For the first time ever I actually wrote a letter to my MP, to make my views known, and to express how I wish my vote to be represented in parliament. I’ve chipped in with donations to charities that are helping on the ground, as well as supporting tree planting reforesting programs.

I’m also doing my bit energetically and vibrationally. Energy healing is wonderful to shift stuck and heavy fear based energy,  thought forms – individual and collective, and for relief of suffering of sentient beings. I’ve been blessed to learn and to be able to offer mantras for healing and balancing the earth and elements. At a recent chant event I was leading in Sydney, it was a powerful and profound experience for the group to offer their love and intention through our collective shared voices. We felt we’d shared something quite special through the combined power of chant and prayer – an amazing service to offer love and energetic support for those in need.

Our choices, thoughts, attitude and actions do matter, and all make a difference, in small ways, every day, even when it’s not immediately apparent.

I woke up the other day, and for whatever reason, I was overcome by an overwhelming feeling of loneliness and being alone. When I thought about it, it made no sense. I have a loving family, although we don’t live in close proximity, I have some deep and wonderful friendships, and I am connected to a very supportive spiritual community.

I know many people feel this way as their regular ‘normal’.  This was further confirmed when I read in Brené Brown’s Braving the Wilderness that ‘rates of loneliness are rapidly increasing in countries around the world’.

As an intuitive energy healer, part of what I do is listen to what is troubling people. In my own journey, I remember back to many years ago living in London and workshopping what I was going to ‘do with my life’. I came up with ‘inspirational listener’. It ultimately led me on a journey of spiritual exploration and growth, acquiring skills and accreditation in energy and sound healing, mantra and meditation.

As the years have passed, I’ve realised I can offer my deep capacity to connect and listen as a means of helping others. Through a range of spiritual tools and practices we can build our connection and resilience.

So why not connect online? A chat, virtual coffee, or energy clearing session, mantra coaching or one of the group guided meditations, can help shift your energy from a place of inertia to one where you can see your way to something more hopeful.

For those in Australia that are experiencing crisis, please consider reaching out to Lifeline or BeyondBlue that offer amazing support services.

Energy Healing, Siddhi Shakti

If you’re interested in the wellness of your body, mind and spirit, or just generally want to feel better about yourself, energetic healing is a powerful means of transformation.

Most people have challenges to deal with at some point in their life. Perhaps you’re feeling stuck, low energy, lacking direction, depressed, unable to let go of the past, struggling with difficult relationships at home or work, low self esteem, lack of confidence, or just generally a bit flat?

Ignite Your Spirit energy healing can help you transform the energy of the situation.

Experience this powerful form of non-touch energetic healing. It works through the multi-dimensional aspects of your being – the physical, subtle energy centres, mental and emotional. Get in touch today to find out more or book an appointment. If you can’t find a time to suit you, drop me a message and we can work in with your schedule.

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