Overview of course content.
- How to prepare yourself for your mantra practice
- Guide to Sanskrit mouth positions
- About the IAST – International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration and why use it
- Oṁ Namaḥ Śivāya – guided chant practice with harmonium
- Oṁ Namaḥ Śivāya – explanation of transliteration
- Oṁ Namo Nārāyaṇi – guided chant practice with harmonium
- Oṁ Namo Nārāyaṇi – explanation of transliteration
- Oṁ Gaṁ Gaṇapataye Namaḥ – guided chant practice with harmonium
- Oṁ Gaṁ Gaṇapataye Namaḥ – explanation of transliteration
- Map of the sound focus points for the practice – PDF
- Sanskrit alphabet and mouth placements – PDF
- Explanation of how mantras are written and why – PDF
- Bonus audio files x 2 – insights into Oṁ and Auṁ – MP3s
Bonus material:
Video: Oṁ extended is Auṁ – transliteration and tips for usage.
Video: Sound Yoga, 10minute guided practice – inner connection, peace and transformation through sound.
Audio: 9:55 min variation of chant with drums, ‘Oṁ Gaṁ Gaṇapataye Namaḥ’