Sound Yoga and Mantra for Pets

In our busy lives, stress is something we all encounter, and our pets are no exception. While we often seek solace in yoga, meditation, or soothing music, did you know that these practices can also benefit our fur friends? Sound yoga and mantra chanting can be powerful tools to help calm and soothe pets, promoting a harmonious and peaceful environment. Let’s delve into how these practices work and their remarkable benefits for our pets.

Understanding Sound Yoga and Mantras

Sound yoga, also known as nāda yoga, is the practice of using sound and vibrations to bring harmony, attunement, and some might even say cosmic connection, to body, mind and spirt. It may include the use of musical instruments and/or vocal sounds to bring us into greater listening awareness, inner connection and peace, and to create a serene atmosphere – in both our inner and outer worlds. Mantras are repetitive sounds, words, or phrases chanted during meditation to focus the mind. They can bring a sense of tranquility and support a vibrational shift within our being.

How Sound Yoga and Mantras Affect Pets

  1. Vibrational Healing: Animals are highly sensitive to vibrations. The sounds and vibrations produced during sound yoga and mantra chanting can resonate with pets, helping to calm their nervous system. This can be particularly beneficial for anxious or hyperactive pets.
  2. Stress Reduction: Just like humans, pets can experience stress and anxiety from various sources such as loud noises, changes in routine, or separation from their owners. The soothing sounds of mantras can create a calming ambiance, reducing stress levels and promoting relaxation.
  3. Improved Sleep: Pets often struggle with sleep disturbances due to stress or discomfort. The calming effect of sound yoga and mantra can help regulate their sleep patterns, ensuring they get the rest they need.
  4. Behavioural Improvement: Regular exposure to calming sounds can lead to noticeable improvements in your pet’s behaviour. They may become less aggressive, more obedient, and exhibit fewer signs of anxiety.

Practical Tips for Practicing Sound Yoga and Mantras with Pets

  1. Create a Calm Environment: Choose a quiet space in your home where you and your pet can relax without interruptions. Gentle lighting and a comfortable temperature can support the experience.
  2. Use Gentle Sounds: Start with gentle sounds such soft music, or maybe a singing bowl. My preferred option is vocal chanting using mantras. Observe your pet’s reaction and adjust the volume and type of sound accordingly.
  3. Consistency is Key: Regular practice is essential to see the benefits. Set aside a few minutes each day for sound yoga and mantra sessions with your pet. Over time, they will start to associate these sounds with relaxation and comfort.
  4. Be Patient: Every pet is different. Some may take to sound yoga immediately, while others may need more time to adjust. Be patient and gentle, allowing your pet to explore the experience at their own pace.

Mantras In Stressful Moments for Pets

Sometimes we can’t always control the environment and pets might be triggered in a stressful circumstance. I had a recent experience of transporting a friend’s dog on a long drive. Pickles, the staffie, and I had never met. I could feel her concern as we drove off, leaving her owner behind. Inspiration led me to chant mantras for much of the 6.5 hour journey. Within a very short time the sounds helped her relax so much that she happily slept for most of the journey.


Incorporating sound yoga and mantra chanting into your pet’s routine can be a wonderful way to enhance their well-being. By creating a peaceful environment filled with calming sounds, you can help reduce their stress, improve their sleep, and promote overall better behavior. It’s a beautiful transformational practice that not only benefits your pet but also strengthens the bond between you and your fur baby. Give it a try and watch the positive transformation in your pet’s life!

Learn Some Mantras to Use with Your Pets

Have you tried sound yoga or mantras with your pet? If you’re new to this practice, start with short sessions and observe how your pet responds. If you’d like some tips on mantras you can work with, then get in touch for a mantra coaching session.


With the holistic approach of sound yoga and mantra chanting, we can offer our beloved pets a sense of tranquility and joy, enhancing their lives and ours in the process.