
Energy, Sound, Mantra to Shape Our Reality

Have you ever wondered if sound could be visualised? The mesmerising world of cymatics demonstrates how every note, every beat, and every sound can create beautiful, intricate patterns.

What is Cymatics?

Cymatics is the study of visible sound vibration and its patterns. The term comes from the Greek word “kyma,” meaning wave, and was popularized by Swiss medical doctor and natural scientist Hans Jenny in the 1960s. By placing substances like sand or water on a vibrating plate and using specific frequencies, Jenny demonstrated that sound could produce complex geometric patterns.

How Cymatic Patterns are Created

Imagine a thin layer of sand on a metal plate connected to a frequency generator. As the frequency changes, the sand arranges itself into different patterns. Higher frequencies typically produce more intricate designs. The same can be done with water, where sound waves create dynamic, ever-changing shapes on the water’s surface.

Check out these YouTube videos from Nigel Stanford, Go Experimental and The Amazing Resonance Experiment for amazing visual representations of cymatic patterns created with different frequencies, and the effect of coming into resonance.

Masaru Emoto: The Hidden Messages in Water

Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto researched the effect of vibrational energy by exploring its effects on water. Emoto believed that human consciousness could affect the molecular structure of water. He conducted experiments where he exposed water to different words, music, and even thoughts, then froze the water and photographed the resulting crystals.

Positive words like “love” and “gratitude” produced beautiful, symmetrical crystals, while negative words like “hate” resulted in distorted, chaotic shapes. Although Emoto’s work has been met with skepticism and calls for more rigorous scientific methods, it has sparked a fascinating discussion about the potential impact of our thoughts and environment on the world around us.

You can see the stunning images of the water crystals of Masaru Emoto’s work on his website.

Veda Austin: Continuing the Legacy

Building on Emoto’s work, Veda Austin has delved deeper into the study of water and its response to external stimuli. Austin focuses on the idea that water has a “memory” and can store information. Her experiments often involve photographing the shapes that water forms after being exposed to various stimuli, from words to music to environmental factors.

Austin’s work emphasizes the beauty and complexity of water’s responses, and her photographs reveal intricate patterns and shapes that are both aesthetically pleasing and thought-provoking. Her research suggests a profound connection between water, consciousness, and the vibrational energies around us.

For a glimpse into Veda Austin’s fascinating research, check out her website her Instagram for interesting pics of her water experiments and regular updates and images of her work.

Chanting and Its Effects on Our Energy Patterns

Chanting, a practice found in many spiritual traditions, is known to create vibrations that can influence our energy patterns. When we chant, we produce specific frequencies that resonate with our body and mind, creating a harmonizing effect, and bring us into attunement and alignment with uplifting cosmic forces.

Cymatics, along with the work of Emoto and Austin, demonstrates this link beautifully. By visualizing the patterns created by different chants, we can see how certain sounds produce harmonious, symmetrical designs, while others may result in more chaotic patterns. This visual evidence supports the idea that chanting can help balance our energy, promote healing, and foster a sense of well-being.

These studies offer a visual representation of the invisible world of sound and energy, opening our eyes to the potential connections between physical phenomena and our emotional and mental states.

Exploring these patterns invites us to consider the unseen forces that shape our world and the impact of our thoughts, words, and actions on our environment. Whether you’re a scientist, artist, or simply a curious mind, the world of cymatics offers a beautiful, mysterious window into the hidden messages of our universe.


Cymatic patterns provide a captivating glimpse into the world of sound and vibration. Through the pioneering work of Hans Jenny, Masaru Emoto, and Veda Austin, we are reminded of the profound interconnectedness of all things and the potential power of our consciousness. Whether you’re inspired to experiment with cymatics yourself or simply enjoy the stunning visuals, this field can expand our understanding of the unseen forces at play in our world.

Cymatics and the research into the consciousness of water, is  a reminder that our thoughts, words, actions and energy all have an effect and are shaping our experiences.

If you’d like to clear your energy field, or develop a mantra practice to help uplift your energy and template it in a more positive way, then reach out for a free discovery chat.

Further Reading, Exploration & Video

Soul Light Diane de Zylva Siddhi Shakti Sound Healing

In our fast-paced modern world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the constant flow of information, choices, and decisions we face daily. This overload can lead to stress, anxiety, and unhealthy coping mechanisms. But there’s an ancient and profoundly effective tool to help: mantra meditation.

Vibration Shapes Our Reality

Mantra meditation involves the repetition of sacred sounds, each resonating with high vibrational frequencies. These sounds connect us to the cosmic energy around us, helping us align with the essence of our soul and the rhythm of creation. In today’s world, we’re rediscovering the power of intention, thought, and affirmation to shape our reality. Mantra meditation is a powerful practice that can help us transform our energy and enhance our wellbeing.

10 Powerful Benefits of Mantra Meditation

1. Feel Uplifted and Optimistic
Regular mantra practice boosts your mood, leaving you feeling more positive and centered.

2. Reduce Stress and Anxiety
By activating the parasympathetic nervous system, mantra chanting helps you manage stress and anxiety, bringing calm to your mind and body.

3. Still the Mind
Mantras help ‘reset’ the mind, creating a space for mental clarity and higher vibration, lifting your overall energy.

4. Enhance Connection and Engagement
Mantra practice fosters stronger social bonds, building happier, more conscious communities and workplaces.

5. Boost Resilience and Emotional Intelligence
With consistent practice, mantra meditation enhances your mental and emotional faculties, allowing you to navigate challenges more effectively.

6. Improve Sleep and Energy
Cultivate relaxed alertness and enjoy improved sleep quality and greater energy throughout your day.

7. Stimulate Creative Thinking 
Mantras oxygenate the brain and enhance cognition, improving your ability to think creatively and solve problems.

8. Reduce Physical Tension 
Through calming brainwave activity and decreased heart rate and blood pressure, mantra meditation promotes physical relaxation and healing.

9. Improve Communication and Social Connection 
Regular practice helps you develop better communication skills and fosters social wellbeing, impacting everything from work relationships to personal connections.

10. Tap into Inspiration and Creativity
Mantra meditation helps you access a higher field of inspiration and creativity, making it an enjoyable and fun practice!

Deepening Your Mantra Practice

If you’re ready to dive deeper into the transformative power of mantra, combining skill with devotion can enhance your experience. I offer personalised instruction in understanding and experiencing the sacred 50 Sanskrit syllables, including:

  • Mastering the 5 key mouth placements for clearer pronunciation
  • Learning the unique sounds of the 50 Sanskrit letters
  • Connecting more precisely with the energy of these sounds to supercharge your practice

Customised Programs Just for You

Whether you’re new to mantra meditation or an experienced practitioner, I’d love to support your journey. My offerings include:

  • 1-1 Coaching: Personalized guidance to help you deepen your practice.
  • 40-Day Support Program: A structured, immersive program to help you establish and sustain your practice.

What You’ll Gain from a Session

  • Personalised mantra practice to support your daily meditation and connection
  • Guidance on choosing the right mantra for your needs
  • Tips on pronunciation to enhance your energetic alignment
  • Energetic grounding and clearing to help you connect with your practice and the heart space

Get in Touch

Are you ready to experience the transformational power of sacred sound? Contact me today, book a free discovery chat, or explore my online courses to start your mantra journey!

By embracing mantra meditation, you can tap into a profound tool for stress relief, emotional balance, and creative inspiration. Let the vibration of sound reshape your life and wellbeing.