
I woke up the other day, and for whatever reason, I was overcome by an overwhelming feeling of loneliness and being alone. When I thought about it, it made no sense. I have a loving family, although we don’t live in close proximity, I have some deep and wonderful friendships, and I am connected to a very supportive spiritual community.

I know many people feel this way as their regular ‘normal’.  This was further confirmed when I read in Brené Brown’s Braving the Wilderness that ‘rates of loneliness are rapidly increasing in countries around the world’.

As an intuitive energy healer, part of what I do is listen to what is troubling people. In my own journey, I remember back to many years ago living in London and workshopping what I was going to ‘do with my life’. I came up with ‘inspirational listener’. It ultimately led me on a journey of spiritual exploration and growth, acquiring skills and accreditation in energy and sound healing, mantra and meditation.

As the years have passed, I’ve realised I can offer my deep capacity to connect and listen as a means of helping others. Through a range of spiritual tools and practices we can build our connection and resilience.

So why not connect online? A chat, virtual coffee, or energy clearing session, mantra coaching or one of the group guided meditations, can help shift your energy from a place of inertia to one where you can see your way to something more hopeful.

For those in Australia that are experiencing crisis, please consider reaching out to Lifeline or BeyondBlue that offer amazing support services.