At our essence we are frequencies of light and sound. Rather than feeling powerless when buffeted by life’s inevitable twists, we can choose to consciously hold ourselves in an internal space of strength, cultivating inner calm and transforming our energy through the power of high vibrational sound.
Mantra Meditation Transforms Your Mindset
Every thought, word and emotion impacts our vibration and creates our world. Mantra gives us a safe and positive means to focus our mind, to use it as a tool for conscious creation, rather than reaction. It’s a mechanism for focussing our thoughts, mind and energy to align with uplifting energy, the essence of the energy of creation, bringing greater alignment between mind, body and spirit.
The Power of the Sacred Sanskrit Sounds
The sacred sounds of Sanskrit hold transformational power. They attune us to cosmic frequencies and are a means of activating our bodies through all the levels of our being. Our body is in essence a supercomputer. Using the gifts of mantra, breath, focus of energy and intention, and precision in the formulation of mantric sounds including an awareness of the five mouth placements and the specific duration for each of the sounds, we can engage our body of sound and awaken to more the fullness and essence of our true nature.
“The petals of the chakras represent an unfoldment of primal sound through the fifty letters of the Sanskrit alphabet. The six lower chakras contain a total of fifty petals, each of which relates to one of the fifty letters of the Sanskrit alphabet. This is the “garland of letters” that shows the vibratory frequencies of the chakras. The thousand petal lotus or crown chakra indicates all possible sound combinations of these fifty letters.” ~ Dr David Frawley, Mantra Yoga and Primal Sounds.
Yoga of Sound (Nāda Yoga)
Sacred and energised sound filled with love, intent and a high vibration can bring deep change, healing and transformation. The practice of nāda yoga is a means of cultivating the essence of listening awareness. Through the use of sound, tone and rhythm we elevate our vibration and open to higher states of consciousness. It’s a journey within, through sound into the silence, the space and essence of our vast and true eternal nature.
Group Classes – Yoga of Sound & Mantra Meditation
Check the event calendar for yoga of sound and mantra meditation experiences online. It’s a great opportunity to relax, reset and lift your vibe.
Private Sessions
I offer private sessions online. If you’re keen to establish a mantra practice, or looking to take it to the next level through refinement of the sounds (which will supercharge your experience of the energy), I’d love to work with you. You can book with me for an individual session or a series of 4, scheduled over 40 days via Zoom. This will give us the opportunity to:
• Determine an appropriate mantra to support you
• Learn the key mouth placements, correct pronunciation, timing and svara (pitch)
• Understand the meaning and origins of the mantra
• Connection, insights and support over 40 days.
Free 10 Minute Sound Yoga Video + Insight Timer Meditation
Go within, ‘Into the Silence’ on Insight Timer to support your meditation practice.
And if you join the mailing list for good vibes to your inbox, you’ll receive access to a free 10 minute video of a guided Sound Yoga practice.